Fitness guidlines by Rujuta Diwekar- part 1
This blog is specially belonging to the ones who really want to change their
lifestyle into a happy lifestyle! Happiness comes from health. So, here are few
guidelines to lead fitness. Those are not myths and maths; scientific study
says it. This blog is the summary of leading dietitian and fitness trainer of
India, Rujuta Diwekar’s fitness project 2018.
Chapter Food
your day with a fruit or soaked dry fruit.
Banana, soaked resins, soaked almonds are the best options.
After waking up, fresh up and take
this meal. No tea and coffee should be your first meal. If you are low on
energy levels or you have the sugar cravings, you should eat banana. Keep the
local quality of banana. If you have PMS or mood swings, you should eat overnight
soaked black resins with one- two strands of kesar in it. If you are insulin
resistant, or you have PCOD, or diabetic, start your day with soaked
ghee in your diet.
This is the fat that stabilizes our blood sugar, stabilizes
our moods, and makes our skin glowing. Also, it looks after our joints. Ghee
does all of these. Include ghee in all your important meals by one tea spoon. Add 1 tsp. of ghee to breakfast, lunch and dinner.
If you have low energy levels, then
you should add one more tea spoon of ghee to your meal.
If you feel constipated in the
morning, or you have sleep problem, or digestion and IBS issues, add 2 more tea
spoon of ghee.
Some other ways to add ghee in your
diet will be- ghee roasted makhana at 4 o'clock meal. Where winter is high, goond
laddu is good. End your meal with ghee and jaggery mixture, if you have PMS, or
feel irritable, or even if u have low level of hemoglobin. Cow ghee, buffalo
ghee, use full fat ghee. Ghee is versatile in properties.
Eat ghee. Without fear, without guilt, without
doubt. . If you can't have ghee for some reason, you can replace it with Teel
more, Sit less.
Activity and movement is important
for good health. It's not only leads us live longer life, not only a
disease free life but also, a happier life. Human body is made for constant
activity and not for sitting.
When you sit for 30 minutes, stand
for 3 minutes. Make sure, when you stand, stand with whole weight equally
divided on both legs. Don’t stand in an imbalanced way.
Take the stairs. Climb at least four
floors every day.
Park away your car from your
destination, so that you can walk.
Constant sitting makes us dull. Once
a week, go around your neighborhood for walking for around 30 minutes.
Once a week, do one task, that your
house helper or gadget do for you.
Do 100 steps shatapavli after
You can explore more ideas for
activities that make you move more, sit less.
You may not realize the importance of movement
and activity but it keeps the brain plasticity, especially in older adults,
helps prevent back pain, diabetes, heart disease and even depression. Move now;
leave sitting for the lesser and later. And remember, activity is different
from exercise, and is not a substitute
gadget use.
Rethink, reform and regulate the use of gadgets
in your life.
Why? The human head is heavy and we have spent
months as babies learning to stabilize it. In a neutral position, ears above
the shoulders, the head weighs about 5-6 kg. But then with just a 15 degrees
tilt downwards it weighs more than double - about 15 kg, at 30 degrees its 20
kg and at 60 degrees, its as much as 30 kg.
The technology posture is that much more
harmful for people dealing with diabetes, heart pain and other hormonal issues
like PCOD and thyroid and it even interferes with the proper functioning of our
adrenal glands and hampers cardio-respiratory processes. How? So from now on,
you will take the first step to developing a strong back, flat stomach and a
tall stance.
No use of gadgets between any of your
meal Also, before 30 minutes you sleep. Gadgets also include television. Eat
your meal with concentration. Lift the gadget to your eye level to avoid weight
on your weight holding bones.
If you want to watch a video based on this blog, link is as follow-
Keep blogging. Keep Reading.
-Sayali Darakh Rathi
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