Perfection? Don't Bother!
When we want to achieve something
desperately, we think about it. We plan for it. And, we often end up doing
nothing. The more we think, the more we engage ourselves in doing nothing.
There are many goals in our life to accomplish. We just don’t begin them. We
wait for the right timing, right thoughts, right equipment and what not.
Thinking, planning are great things to achieve long term goals.But application of the thoughts and planning is much more important. Something you can do now becomes a dream after a while.
Someone who stops you from doing things is none other
than yourself. The idea of perfection of that work is in your mind. Actually,
nothing exists like perfection.
You may want to do it 100% of
what you can do. Can you get the same percentage of outcome? Well, the input
and output is never similar in life. The doing needs more than telling. But,
what if we fail? How can we work on our goals without failing?
So, what can you do?
You can start from where you are, with what you have. The little failures will teach you how to succeed. If you can attempt again, you may get ready to do better. Don’t run after perfection. Work for excellence. But first, ‘work’!
Working is more important than just planning about it...😍got the idea🙏