You’re busy. Wait, what?

Have you ever thought about, where are you in this moment or the path, you are travelling to, is correct or not?  People say the path maybe right or wrong, movement is necessary. Now, when they say, ‘movement’, what is the first thought you come across? Being busy, being active; Right?
Today, I am going to tell you about being busy! Does it really have your worth or not, you will be able to decide!

All of us, in our lives are busy. By being busy, you fill up your life so much that you have an excuse for everything you don’t want to do; especially, the things that scare you, that challenges you.

Being busy is a habit. It's essential that you realize that, "yes, I may have a lot of things that keep me busy, but busyness can't be an excuse to the other things.”
The things that you really want to do, your passion, your hobbies shouldn’t get aside because of your busyness.

You can’t always avoid being busy; life happens. Sometimes the urgent crowds up the important. Please focus on the things that matter, you are more likely to be productive.
The problem is that in this hurried lifestyle, being in hurry is became the new normal.  You express that how hard you work, because you want admiration instantly. You don’t agree right now, but it’s the truth. This is the human nature. Except it.

There are emotional issues behind this attitude. The attitude creates a rush of connecting between you and others. On the other hand, busyness possesses the feeling of anxiety. At some stages, you are running from emotional connection and vulnerability. We are not humble enough to recognize our limits. Once, we recognize our limits, it’s easy to decide the next task without hesitation.
Being constantly in a rush also says that you are not managing your time properly. Or maybe, you are not having the skills to do your job quickly and with quality.

Many people use smartphones to remain permanently occupied. Prioritize your work, relationships, and your own life!
We think, the more we move, the faster we seek. Listen; understand the difference between being busy and being productive.

Being busy involves frantic work, being productive involves focused work.
Being busy has Short term priorities, being productive prioritize long term.
Being busy is working harder, while being productive is working smarter.
Busyness is fueled by perfectionism, productivity is fueled by purpose.
Being busy is the attempt to be good at everything, but productivity needs to be great at some things.
Busy in Multitasking and shallow work affects your productivity. Since it is about sticking to a single task and engaging in deep work.
Being busy, work is done in rush, productive work needs the mind to be relaxed.

The solution is not doing more. It's doing less! It's not speeding up, it's actually slowing down! Because being busy doesn't mean you're in control, it means you're being driven by fear of slowing down!
You take control of your life by removing distraction and adding in focus!
You take control of your life by being honest with yourself about the things that you're filling your life with.
So, from now on wards, don’t just be busy, be productive!

Keep blogging, Keep reading
-Sayali Darakh Rathi


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